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We are Wesleyan-Arminian in doctrine. We believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God, and that it tells us of a triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.


We believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and died a substitutionary death for the sins of all humanity. We believe he was buried and rose again the third day, and that it is through his death and resurrection that we, too, can be raised to walk in newness of life.


We believe that everyone can be saved, everyone can know they are saved, and every one can be saved to the uttermost.


We believe in a second, definite work of grace, that began on the day of pentecost when the disciple's hearts were purified by faith. We believe this is still available to all believers today. We believe that, when you receive this filling of the Holy Spirit, your heart will be purified from the nature of sin, and you'll be given power for service - strengthened by His power in the inner man.


We strive to be a blessing to our community. One of the primary ways, we do this is by running a van ministry to pick up kids(and their parents, too!) for church! If you are interested in participating, Call our van captain Chris Estes at: (317) 246-0710‬


Our desire is to the hands and feet of Jesus in our community on the Southeast corner of Indianapolis.


We believe that good news of the freedom that Jesus came to bring is the best thing in all the world, and every person, of every race, nation, creed and background would be better off if they heard about it.

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